Wednesday, October 8, 2008

This one is for +Clumber

This is direct from Greta Van Susteran of Fox News, an impeccable source. This is Sarah Palin's assessment of tonight's debate between Presidential candidates Senator Obama and Senator McCain.

Greta tells us:

Just got this email from FNC embed producer Shush ….traveling with Governor Sarah Palin campaign

From: Walshe, Shushannah
Sent: Tue Oct 07 23:14:22 2008
Subject: Palin reacts to debate

Palin reacts to McCain debate performance:

“Great. Great. It was a great night for America. He’s proposing real plans that will work for economic recovery and energy independence. I think Barack was even less candid than usual, which I was kinda surprised. But McCain has fought on and sounded very energized, and and it was a good night for him, for all of us, for all of America. It’s gonna be a great 28 days to go. Taking this message of reform on the road and just having it resonate more and more every day is what I believe’s happening. And it’s good. It’s very good. I look forward to the 28 days.”

From Gretawire.

I'd say it's time to dig the heels in and take the gloves off. Call me an elitist snob, but what's this about "kinda surprised" and "what I believe's happening"? And this is one of the more polished examples.

Another view from abroad, Maura Kelly, writing in the Guardian, said the other day:
It is not just painful, but frightening to watch someone who could become the vice-president of the United States stumbling around like this in an interview." Herbert was focused mainly on Palin's lack of readiness to lead the country, rather than her basic linguistic inadequacies. But the two go together. I would guess they stem from her lack of intellectual curiosity and her concomitant arrogance.

I could go on and on. I could mention the time when she mentioned "predator" lenders, rather than predatory lenders, to Couric. But you get the point.

I have to wonder whether Palin, who is being touted by Republican leaders as an anti-elitist, knows the definition of "elitism":

1. The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.

2. a. The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class.
b. Control, rule or domination by such a group or class.

Funny that a so-called anti-elitist is woman who rewards members of her inner circle and old high-school friends with plum appointments; who is a member of the party that has been ruling the White House for eight years; who seems so haughty about her right to run for the vice-presidency that she makes no effort to hide her exasperation with members of the media who are trying to assess whether she is prepared for the job.

From "Sarah Palin's Political Gibberish."

Gosh, she's even lost Brigette Bardot's vote. She said of Palin:

In a final salvo against Palin, the 74-year-old ex-star picked up on Palin's depiction of herself as a pitbull wearing lipstick and said she "implored" her not to compare herself to dogs.

"I know them well and I can assure you that no pitbull, no dog, nor any other animal for that matter is as dangerous as you are," Bardot wrote.

From "Brigette Bardot: Sarah Palin is a Disgrace for Women."


Unknown said...

For that to be a real Sarah Palin quote wouldn't it have to read:

“Great. Great. It was a great night for America. He’s proposin' real plans that will work for economic recovery and energy independence and other stuff. I think Barack was even less candid than usual, which doesn't surprise me as he's a Muslim terrorist, which I was kinda surprised. But McCain has fought on and sounded very energized, and and it was a good night for him, for all of us, for all of America, especially the True Christian Americans. It’s gonna be a great 28 days to go. Takin' this message of reform on the road and just havin' it resonate more and more every day is what I believe’s happenin'. And it’s good. It’s very good. God said it's very good. I look forward to the 28 days.”

klady said...

Of course they cleaned it up (Fox News and all). I think your version must be closer to the original.

For pure snark appeal, there's also this:

Palin meets Lear
From Edward Nilges

Mr. Nimrod Idaho State University
Sarah Heath (smiley face)


I dint have time to read King Leer so I red parta the Spark Notes, doggone it. And I gotta tellya, that guy Leer is an old poop. I'd give that mealy-mouth twerp Kordelia a punch in the snoot, because she don't know when to say stuff that will help her, and unpatriotcly invades her own country!!!

But gosh, I rilly admire Gonril and Regan. They are two smart cookies who know what they want and go out and gettit. I dint have time to finish the Plot section o' Spark Notes but I betcha they tossed Leer and Kordellya into jail for good. They are reel feminist gals if ya ask mee and you said to read da text against the grain, whatever THAT means, "as a woman" which I certainly am in case ya haven't noticed!!!!! See ya!!!!! Yur cute!!!!!!
