Friday, July 25, 2008

Don't Ask, Go to Hell Policy

Colbert tells it like it is -- about the Anglicans, the Episcopalians, and the Romans. (Hat tip to The Lead). This brought one of the few laughs I've had from all the nonsense from Lambeth. (And this, which conjured up pretty much the same image I had).

The rest is too depressing for words. The "Agony and the Ecstasy" made me weep. I don't know if I want to be associated with people who treat others like that, but I guess everyone's already so busy dissociating with others that I'll just give it a rest for awhile.

Meanwhile, blogging will continue to be light (!) as I travel cross-country to see my mom and see what I can do to help her right now. Thankfully there is little of Pennsylvania along the way (no offense to Pennsylvanians, but your road repair system is... well, lacking, although I did circumvent the northern mess last week by taking Rte 11 around and about the interstate). Next stop, Chicago.


Unknown said...

Safe Travels, klady! One of the pups was heading home after visiting +me in England and reports that the section of PA travel that was so discouraging for +me now has a delay time notification system! +clumber talks, pennDOT listens! What'll they think of next? Maybe they'll learn how inefficient their merge system is on Single Lane merges....

Fran said...

Safe travels and thanks for the link to Colbert.

I cried when I read Gene's post as well.

Pax Klady!

Missy said...

The Colbert video is hysterical--dag, does he get it nailed.

Peace and good things to you.

Unknown said...

Okay, +clumber rescinds his previous fatwah against PennDOT. They have a permanent "6 min through construction zone" sign up at the start of the construction, which is a complete lie, unless you are flying in a plane over the construction site. But then apparently most of their signs are lies. "Active Construction Ahead" is another.

All I can say is plan very very carefully if you are going through Pennsylvania on the highways.

What's blue and yellow and sleeps six? A PennDOT truck.

+clumber is glad he was not headed in the other direction, which I am guessing would be a 1 1/2 hour delay while the cars merge...

Unknown said...

Sorry, make that +clumber restores his previous fatwah....